St Mary’s Church, Ladykirk
St Mary’s Church, Ladykirk is a Grade A Listed Building and was built by James IV in 1500, apparently in gratitude for being saved from drowning in the River Tweed. The church was originally called Our Lady Kirk of Steill and is situated on the north bank of the river. It is said that upon construction James’s orders were that a church was to be built that a ‘flood will not drown’ and a ‘fire will not burn’ and subsequently everything, including the pews were constructed in stone. KEIM were asked to be involved as there were repairs being done to the sandstone. Once these repairs were completed, we recommend the use of Keim Lotexan N as a clear coating to protect the stone from the ingress of water, without changing the appearance of the stone itself and without having any detrimental effect on what is such a historic building.