I.G. Primer (IF-Primer)

I.G. Primer (IF-Primer)

£3.60£182.10 inc VAT

KEIM I.G. Primer (IF-Primer) is a nitro-collodium, colourless primer with good water vapour permeability used to obliterate staining.

Container size(s): 5lt

KEIM I.G. Primer (IF-Primer) is a colourless primer with good water vapour permeability used to obliterate staining.  KEIM I.G. Primer (IF-Primer) is particularly effective for substrates that are contaminated with soot, nicotine and tar.  Suitable for application onto painted and unpainted substrates.

A colourless primer with good water vapour permeability used to overcome staining. Also suitable for consolidating friable substrates.

Interior or exterior use.

Water repellent and resistant to yellowing.

Consumption rate: 0.1lt per square metre per coat (smooth surfaces)

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5lt, sample

Consumption rate

0.1lt per square metre per coat (smooth surfaces)

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